Казан, мангал и другие мужские удовольствия

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Казан, мангал и другие мужские удовольствия  

Именно так называется популярная книга знатока восточной кухни, повара, телеведущего и писателя Сталика Ханкишиева, с которым редакцию журнала «Торговый центр» познакомил  Franz Eck - руководитель компании Eck Feinwerkmechanik. В разгар грильного сезона мы были рады побеседовать с господином Ханкишиевым и узнать секреты приготовления ароматного, вкусного плова, как говорится, из первых рук…


- Господин Ханкишиев, начнем беседу с истоков. Расскажите, с чего начался ваш путь в кулинарию?

- Мой путь, простите за пафос, начался с того, что меня с детства окружал удивительно разнообразный, вкусный и ароматный мир, и грех было не распробовать его на вкус. Но когда я стал студентом и начал самостоятельную жизнь в Москве, с огромным удивлением и даже оторопью обнаружил, что еда может быть невкусной и даже отвратительной. Тогда я и начал сознательно и с интересом готовить. Ведь не считать же кулинарией яичницу или какие-то простые блюда, которые я готовил еще в школьные годы? Есть разница в готовке по необходимости и готовке из интереса.

- Что для вас значит приготовление пищи? Вы любите больше готовить или пробовать то, что приготовили?

- Интересно все, начиная от поиска и выбора продуктов, обдумывания рецепта и заканчивая достижением результата. Конечно, самое интересное - это реакция тех, кого ты угощаешь. Ведь если готовить осознанно, то уже заранее представляешь себе вкус блюда, а вот как к этому вкусу отнесутся гости - всегда загадка, тайна и неожиданность. Может быть, поэтому я и люблю гостей!

-  Почему все-таки восточная кухня?

-  Потому что я родился на Востоке, потому что я и сам наполовину являюсь восточным человеком. Моя мать немка, а отец был азербайджанцем. Разумеется, мне всегда хотелось свести к минимуму противоречия между Востоком и Западом, свести эти два столь разных мира в одной точке, где нахожусь я. Может быть, кулинария - кратчайший путь к решению этой философской, по сути, задачи?

- У нас в Германии уже в разгаре сезон гриля, шашлыков и, конечно, плова, приготовленного в казане, на природе или на террасе дома… Что, по вашему мнению, самое важное в плове?

- В приготовлении любого блюда важна каждая деталь. А плов - центральное, главное блюдо множества народов и регионов. Поэтому в приготовлении такого блюда нет мелочей. Кроме того, для меня плов удивителен еще и тем, что в каком бы тяжелом настроении я ни начинал его готовить, к моменту, когда надо созывать гостей, мое настроение обязательно исправится вплоть до отличного. Вот такое волшебное блюдо!

- А каким должен быть казан для приготовления плова?

- Таким, каким планируется плов. Каждый регион готовит свой плов - из своих продуктов, исходя из своих предпочтений. И под каждый плов уже давно сделан наилучший выбор казана. Например, в Азербайджане и Иране используются конусовидные медные казаны. В Средней Азии казан - это как бы дно чугунного шара. Есть регионы, где плов готовят в керамической посуде и в дровяной печи. Бухарские евреи закладывали ингредиенты плова в мешки из ткани и варили их в кастрюлях - так получался один из самых удивительных видов плова - бахш.

- Узбекский плов - это…

- ... Наиболее рациональное и самое вкусное использование наилучших продуктов, которые дает земля Средней Азии. При этом вряд ли кто-нибудь сможет назвать точное количество блюд, объединенных одним общим
названием «узбекский плов». Плов, который готовят в Бухаре и который готовят, скажем, в Андижане или Ташкенте, абсолютно разный по методу приготовления, внешнему виду и вкусовым особенностям. Более того, даже у двух соседей плов может выглядеть совершенно по-разному, даже если они используют одни и те же продукты. При этом каждый считает, что именно он и готовит «правильный плов».

- Franz Eck рассказал нам про удивительный рецепт плова «по-фергански», которым вы его угощали. Что это за плов?

-  Это плов с давней традицией. Для его приготовления потребуется: баранина - 1 кг мякоти и 3-4  дольки от спинки с ребрышками, сало курдючное - 300-350 г (можно заменить тем же количеством оливкового масла),  рис среднезернистый - 1 кг, красная морковь - 1 кг), 2-3 средние головки лука, 2-3 головки чеснока, 1-3 стручковых перца (красного или зеленого), зира и соль. А вот технологию приготовления плова «по-фергански» в двух словах не расскажешь, слишком много важных нюансов: как правильно пошинковать морковь,  как порезать мясо, сколько нужно воды, какова последовательность действий или когда добавлять специи - все это можно прочитать в моем блоге http://stalic.livejournal.com/374427.html?view=comments

и даже посмотреть видеоурок. Так будет и удобнее, и нагляднее.

- Вы так заинтриговали, обязательно посмотрим. Спасибо за беседу и до новых встреч, господин Ханкишиев. В следующий раз мы поговорим с вами об идеальном рецепте шашлыка...

- Замечательная тема, буду рад ответить на все ваши вопросы.


Беседовала Ольга Молендор
Журнал «Торговый центр», № 4, 2012

Datum: 13.04.2012
Hinzugefügt: ava  oxana.sher
Aufrufe: 1253
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poolrobotrepair944 | 05.02.2021, 07:36 #
Pool cleaning requires a little effort on your part, but much of it can be managed without professional help. Most of these jobs need to be carried out on a regular basis, and doing so will ensure that your pool is clean and safe for use throughout the swimming season. Maintenance requires a little effort on your part, but much of it can be managed without professional help. Most of these jobs need to be carried out on a regular basis, and doing so will ensure that your pool is clean and safe for use throughout the swimming season. We provide best <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Door to Door </a> pool cleaning services.
Robotic pool cleaner technology gives a real solution for real pool difficulties. Built with the pool owner in mind and utilizing the most recent innovation, robotic pool cleaners take care of even the dirtiest pool easily. They are able to map out your pool size and utilizing a numerical calculation customized into the motor, ensure optimal pool coverage. Pool Robots Repaired offers a one stop service for overhauling your current Robotic Pool Cleaner covering all zones of Perth. If it's not too much trouble, contact the group at Pool Robots Repaired and we can orchestrate an on location visit to one or the other statement or potentially fix your pool cleaner. On the other hand we can actually pickup your pool cleaner and return it to our workshop for evaluation and fix. When fixed we will return back to you. Pool Robots Repaired have the most recent analysis equipment from manufacturers to guarantee that the maintenance is being surveyed and fixed accurately. In any maintenance finished, authentic manufacturer parts are utilized and accompanied the maker guarantee on the fixed segment. Pool Robots Repaired are an Authorized Warranty Agent for a large portion of Perth's major manufacturers of Pool Cleaners.

Owning a robotic pool cleaner save many dollars off your yearly pool running expenses, all while saving the climate as well.

•    Skimmer box is available to gather floating debris
•    Runs autonomously of your pool framework
•    Collects garbage inside itself
•    Save on discharging or cleaning of cartridge filter
•    Save on synthetic substances
•    Lowers your carbon impression

Who Can Fix My Robot?

All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs is the only Australia based robot repair company that has gone through in house preparing on numerous brands.  All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs can repair and fix any brand of robot pool cleaner available on the market today.


Transportation Your Robot for Repair:

All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs suggests utilizing a plastic tub with a lockable top. This will guarantee your robot makes it to my workshop in one piece. Cardboard boxes are not suggested.

Citing Your Robot Repairs:

All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs will utilize unique manufactures diagnostic hardware to test and asses the activity of your robot cleaner. Whenever worn parts or flawed hardware are discovered, All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs will plan and send you a citation for repair. Any parts utilized for fixes will be authentic parts from the maker.


All Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs use makers test gear to analyze and fix your cleaner. Regardless of if your cleaner is a Dolphin, Maytronics, Zodiac, Hayward or Astral, have assured your cleaner will be fixed via trained technicians. All parts utilized will be certified parts from the manufacturer and carry manufacturers guarantee.

We offers Normal Pool Service and Maintenance at reasonable standard support on your pool. This incorporates:

•    Vacuuming of pool
•    Skimming of leaves
•    Brushing of dividers
•    Synthetic equilibrium of water
•    Clearing skimmer and pump baskets
•    Gear check

Green Pool Cleans

Green pools can happen for various reasons and can require hours of your opportunity to clear. We offers a moderate choice to clear green pools and discover the motivation behind why this has occurred, saving you time and exertion.

Deals of New Robotic Pool Cleaners

•    Free shows accessible through the contact work
•    As pools are various shapes and sizes, Tim's master information and experience will coordinate a Robot to suit your pool
•    Every significant brand

Fixes of Existing Robotic Pool Cleaners

•    All makes and models including yet not restricted to Maytronics Dolphin, Zodiac, Hayward, Astral, Davey and Clark Rubber.
•    On location fixes whenever the situation allows
•    Get and convey direct to you
•    24 to 48 hour turnaround on workshop fixes, subject to part accessibility
In the event that you have a problem in robot pool cleaner, if it keeps getting stuck or your present robot cleaner simply doesn't work, at that point we can help. We will assist you with picking the best item for your pool at our <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Door to Door </a> service, best guarantees, best cost and obviously the best robot pool more cleanly. Try not to hazard it, get some assistance on guaranteeing you get the best robot pool cleaner and the one which is the most appropriate for your pool needs and financial plan.
Robotic Pool Cleaners vs Suction Pool Cleaners:

The discussion come sup constantly however it will rely upon your pool. Again relying upon your necessities and pool arrangement having a Robotic Pool Cleaner dropped into the pool on more than one occasion per week will leave it clean as a whistle. Presently you need to recollect that robots cost all the more obviously you get every one of these advantages and furthermore, they work really hard. On the off chance that you have the financial plan, at that point we prescribe to extend it and get a Robotic Pool Cleaner. It will likewise accomplish something different, it will let loose your pool skimmer box to manage its work and 'skim' your pool. Robots have simple access sacks that can be discharged as required and your pool will be liberated from an attractions cleaners hose and that entertaining looking head chugging around. We know attractions cleaners have their place and are sensibly estimated, yet on the off chance that you have the spending plan and you have a verdant pool to deal with, consider a Robot Pool Cleaner. A spending pool cleaner may wind up setting you back additional over the long haul, particularly in the event that it neglects to work appropriately or by any means.
The Vortex-Pro VX65 IQ can be controlled from anyplace with the on-request Control innovation plan, pre-set and alter cleaning mode alternatives inside the App. The VX65 IQ accompanies a 21m turn link to forestall tangling, a licensed lift framework for simple expulsion from the pool and a vehicle and capacity caddy for added accommodation.

•    On-request control with Control App
•    Timetable, pre-set and tweak cleaning modes by means of App
•    Amazing protected Vortex Vacuum Technology
•    Licensed lift-framework for simple pool expulsion
•    21m turn keeps link from tangling
•    Transport and capacity caddy
•    Vortex-Pro 4-Wheel Drive

If you’re looking for a pool services near your home. We have latest and best quality product at our shop. We also providing the complete <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Door to Door </a> pool cleaning service, and have all needy supplies. While cleaning your pool, you often follow some routine procedure. In this way, you summaries your work. Proper pool hygiene ensures that your pool is always in the best condition for a quick swim. Pool maintenance involves a number of activities that should be performed on a daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly basis to help you avoid costly repairs in the long-term. You can check water level once in a week, you can add the chemical once in a month after checking pol water with testing kit. Then finally you must call the professional cleaning service at least once in a year for the better life span of your pool. So, you need to clean your pool so you defiantly need the best quality pool services. Our online store providing you all the necessary equipment you need so just visit the link below and place you order we have latest technology equipment, automatic and manual both.
Pool Cleaning Services:
Brush the pool: Use the swimming pool cleaning brush to brush both the side and base of the pool and push the filth towards the draining machine so this way it can be solved readily.
Check the water degree
Evaluation and correct the substance levels: The substance balance between the Compounds of this pool is a premier priority. As it will help to keep the pH of this pool if the total amount cannot be maintained it specifically related to a wellness and also skin.

In case you're not actually in the mood to wash your swimming pool on your own and summer months is really on the edge along with your family need a cleaning pool? Usually do not worry about this anymore we are right here offering the optimal/optimally pool care agency in Australia. In case your occupied and do not need the time to keep up your pool let's pros handle your swimming pool we take your pool to 100 only I couple of hours. With clean up the Pool we also make sure that everything in your pool like draining system. Filters etc., all things work just great so you do not have to manage all types of injury in your whole summer months. This is where professional pool cleaning benefits you most, because the pros know when and how to service your pump and filter to ensure motor don’t burn out. They can also find and fix rips or any other damages before they become an issue, including leak location and repair. Pool professionals are trained to detect and correct problems that non-professionals wouldn’t easily notice without the correct pool cleaning equipment. So, you can enjoy your pool without stressing over keeping it clean, clear and working properly.
Dolphin pools cleaners offer the most well organized and cost-effective method for realize a regularly clean pool. Dolphin robots move freely around the pool and remove refuse from the water while washing the pool floor, walls and waterline with an advanced pool brushing system. With regards to programmed pool cleaners, you can't go past a mechanical cleaner. Robot cleaners utilize present day PC innovation to give more elevated level outcomes. Robot cleaners are energy proficient and easy to utilize simply drop them in the water and let your robot wrap up. There are numerous robot cleaners available however you can't go past Dolphin cleaners. Today, we take a gander at what you need to think about Dolphin automated cleaners. Dolphin mechanical pool cleaners offer startling cleaning on account of their inventive plan. There's no troublesome set up with your new robot, when you get it home, it's prepared to convey exactness results. The triple-dynamic brushes of your Dolphin cleaner will eliminate earth and trash while likewise saving energy because of the energy effective engine. Your cleaner gives 100% inclusion of the whole pool because of its capacity to examine the surface and the snappy, systematic cleaning design implies no missed spots the implicit insight implies that you don't have to stress over your cleaner stalling out in corners. Dolphin cleaners have predominant pull so nothing remains behind for genuinely bubbly outcomes. Your robot will tidy as far as possible up the waterline for unused outcomes across the while pool. Similarly as with all robot pool cleaners, you need to remove your dolphin from the water after each utilization, wash it off with a hose, let it air dry and reset it. It's similarly simple as that! In case you're finding that the full channel is signal light is still on for all the channel being wiped out, frequently you should simply eliminate the channel pack or cartridge again for a more careful spotless and afterward resetting your robot. In the event that you find that your robot isn't go up the dividers like it should, it very well may be that the channel pack or cartridge is topped off and required a touch of consideration.

Our pool experts will give a scope of fundamental maintenance <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Door to Door </a> services uniquely customized to your pool. From a full vacuum to water adjusting and gear checks, we will guarantee your pool stays in supreme condition.

Visit our website: https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/
poolrobotrepair944 | 05.02.2021, 07:42 #
Pool is like the best gift of summer for everyone adults and especially for the kids. Whenever the summer is at our door step kids are supper excited about pool parties and having the good time with family on the beach. If you have a pool in your house then you are my friend ‘blessed’. Having a pool can save you lots of trouble like you don’t have to drive the kids at the swimming pool clubs and pay the hundreds of dollars as a fee if you have the pool at home then whenever kids want they can dive into the pool and play. But what will happened to your pool when it remain closed during the winter? The pool gets dirty and it will not safe to swim there are agile and different kind of bacteria in it. So you must have to clean the pool first in which we are going to help you and provide <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Mobile service </a>.

Actually, there is no particular time with respect to when to open pool, in spite of the fact that you might be figuring it ought to be returned not long before winter closes or not long after spring hit in. At the point when the colder time of year is close to home that doesn't imply that your pool is prepared for returning you need to clean it first. It doesn't make a difference of where you reside or how incessant it's utilized, pool support is a significant factor in having a sound and germ free pool. Support can comprise of anything from eliminating dust, leave, adjusting water science, or keeping up the pool gear. Your pool requires your consideration. And keeping in mind that you've just got a ton of activities this end of the week, the cleaning and maintenance for your pool is essential particularly when the mid-year is on its way. We've gathered all the require to-know little known techniques to making keeping up your pool simpler regardless of on the off chance that you have an in ground or over the ground pool or having a lovely spa. Cleaning your pool is certifiably not something extraordinary be that as it may, clean your pool in a productive way and when you clean it should be sparkle like its new.

Specifically, when it comes to the general basic rules for taking care of your swimming pool, keeping its water, floor and walls clean is usually the first thing that comes to your mind. A clean is a piece of art. There are dozens of equipment, and tool is required to clean the pool thoroughly. And if you’re the first timer then it can be pretty messy for you because these things will be all new to you. Let us take you to the little tour and show you which pool tools are necessary during the pool maintenance.

We offer all the types of <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Mobile service </a> related with a pool which you have a need
•    Regular pool maintenance both residential and commercial
•    Swimming pool and spa cleaning
•    One off pool cleans
•    Green pool recuperation    
•    Stain evacuation
•    Solving pool issues
•    Pool hardware breakdowns
•    Onsite water investigation with full report
•    Pool Chemical stockpile and adjusting
•    Pool Maintenance programs
•    Pool Heating exhortation, deals and establishment
•    Swimming pool covers, rollers and covers
5 Benefits of Using a Swimming Pool Cleaning Service
Pools are incredible for both unwinding and having some good times, but at the same time they're a major responsibility. Capable pool proprietors should appropriately perfect and keep up their pools to guarantee client wellbeing. This requires more than just skimming the surface to eliminate flotsam and jetsam and keeping up the legitimate compound equilibrium of the water. Ignoring your pool can cause huge issues as it were, however ordinary maintenance doesn't need to be a gigantic errand when you depend on nearby pool cleaning experts.
Here are 5 reasons why you should contact experts for normal pool maintenance.
Convenient Cleanings:
An ordinary cleaning plan causes you keep on target with the cleaning and maintenance of your pool and hardware. This guarantees your pool water is clean and stays shimmering. It additionally keeps your gear in decent shape, which can build the lifetime of your pool and the hardware. Experts take the necessary steps to keep your pool in clean condition, including:
•    Brush Automatic pool cover texture
•    Brush pool dividers and tile line
•    Clean Pump and skimmer bins
•    Skim the surface    
•    Test and artificially treat the water
•    Vacuum
•    Verify pump pressing factor and discharge depending on the situation
True Serenity:
Hiring the experts at Aqua Spas and Pools gives true serenity, because your pool is properly cared for and maintained by experts. Skilled maintenance technicians will do so a lot or as meager of your pool cleaning and support as you need them to do. Browse a month to month, fortnightly or week by week administration, or keep your pool kept a year a year with the mainstream all year contract. At the point when you're utilizing an expert pool cleaning administration, you can loosen up knowing it's safe for every individual who utilizes it.

Equipment & Integrity Checks
This is the place where expert pool cleaning benefits you most, on the grounds that the aces realize when and how to support your pump and filter to guarantee motor don't wear out. We can likewise discover and fix drag or some other harms by our <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Mobile service </a> before they become an issue, including spill area and fix. Pool experts are prepared to identify and address issues that non-experts wouldn't effortlessly see without the right pool cleaning gear. Along these lines, you can make the most of your pool without worrying about keeping it spotless, clear and working appropriately.
Save Time & Money:
Although you may prefer to perform most of your own pool care and maintenance, you can set aside time and cash by recruiting proficient pool cleaners to supply you a hand. Its conspicuous how they save time, however they can likewise set aside you cash through early recognition of expected issues and paying a lot for business pool cleaning hardware, incorporate cleaning, investigating and fixing your pool's Pump, pump and different parts. This expands the existence of your gear by forestalling untimely wear that could be stayed away from when distinguished early. By identifying more modest issues before they become large issues, you can possibly save a pack on significant fixes and substitution costs. The Dolphin pool cleaner is a lightweight, conservative automated pool cleaner that expertly cleans your pool floor with a simple to utilize top access filtration framework.
Some specification of dolphin pool cleaner is given below:
•    Cycle time 1.5 hours
•    Ideal for little pool up to 8 m long Including over the ground pools
•    Filtration Easy-clean net canister
•    Top-access filtration framework with brisk, no-wreck purging and washing
•    Lightweight, simple dealing with
•    Fast, trash free water discharge
•    Multi-layer filtration with fine and super fine earth catch
•    Active brush pivots at 2x the speed of the robot, bringing about improved cleaning   capacities
•    Complete inclusion of all pool surfaces – with Power Stream versatility framework
•    Self-learning robot adjusts to the pool shape and surface for ideal cleaning results

Pool pump repair steps

Dampness: Water spills from Pump seals or line joints ought to be fixed to prevent disillusionment of direction and security. Make an effort not to sprinkle or shower the motor. Mount the motor away from low spots and soaked domains, and take measures to shield it from windblown storm.

Cooling: Provide for sufficient wind stream around motor. Make an effort not to permit refuse to create around the motor vents. Clean the air inlets as required, guaranteeing that the force is of first. If an external motor cover is used, be certain it doesn't trap sogginess and has enough space between the motor and the cover to allow common air to course through the motor.

Infrequent: Whenever the motor ought to be shut down for expanded periods, be sure all surfaces, vents and internal parts are dry to thwart rust. If the motor is kept outside, cover it to hinder trash, for instance, blowing leaves, earth and snow from deterring the deltas.

Cleaning: Inside the motor should not need cleaning if authentic securities are made against spoiling by soil, develop or sand. If you need to clean the outside, simply use a soaked texture. Do whatever it takes not to give the motor a water hose. Flooding the motor can cause ceaseless damage.

Grease up: The metal rollers in A.O. Smith motors are twofold repaired forever lube. If it appears the heading have failed, simply override them. Disorderly course are the essential sign of bearing frustration. If the heading are not replaced expediently, the motor can overheat making the windings crash and burn. Bearing uproar is routinely a sign that the Pump seal has been spilling. Constantly change the Pump seal when you change the direction.

A few pools have regions with close to zero spread. This is where green development and microorganisms can begin to create. In any occasion once every week, the dividers and floor ought to be brushed and vacuumed to kill trash that the pump misses. Brushing is an obvious necessity, whether or not you use a modified pool cleaner or hold seven days after week organization. Overall, sand ought to be replaced every 3-5 years. This may be longer if the pool stays clear, or more restricted, if the pump runs continually. The spiked edges of the sand wear out and get smooth as the sand ages. Right when this happens the sand can as of now don't trap trash particles and soil can experience the sand and back into the pool. Check the power supply and affirm that the breaker in the breaker box and the light switch are in the on position, if everything is okay, the bulb perhaps blown.

In the occasion when your pool's Pump isn't working, we provide <a href=" https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/"> Mobile service </a> at your door step. Your pool isn't ensured to swim in. Flat water accumulates green development and mosquitoes. Whether or not your Pump is semi-operational, slow Pumping can be a sign that it is spilling or that the motor is failing. Find a close by pool Pump fix association that can help. Close by pool Pump fix associations can send an expert to survey you’re Pump quickly. They can break down screeching direction, worn Pump motors, and spilling pipes. Other typical pool Pump gives that a virtuoso can manage remember for the occasion that your Pump is discouraged, loud, or won't turn on, neighbourhood experts can get your pool back to standard immediately.
Visit our website: https://poolrobotrepair.com.au/
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