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Василий Васильевич Кандинский  

Василий Васильевич Кандинский – русский живописец, график и теоретик изобразительного искусства, один из основоположников абстракционизма. Кандинский происходил из семьи нер чинских купцов, потомков

каторжан. Его прабабушка была тунгусской княжной Гантимуровой, а отец был представителем древнего забайкальского рода Кандинских из фамилии князей мансийского Кондинского княжества.

Мальчик родился 16 декабря 1866 г. в Москве, в семье коммерсанта Василия Сильвестровича Кандинского. В детские годы путешествовал с родителями по России и странам Европы. В 1871 семья осела в Одессе, здесь будущий художник закончил  гимназию, получил художественное и музыкальное образование.

Учился на юридическом факультете Московского университета, изучая экономику и право. В 1889 г. совершил этнографическую экспедицию по северным уездам Вологодской губернии. Трудился художественным директором типографии «Товарищества И. Н. Кушнерёва и К°» в Москве. Карьеру художника Кандинский выбрал сравнительно поздно – в возрасте 30 лет. В 1896 г. он обосновался в Мюнхене и затем оставался в германии до 1914 г. С 1897 г. обучался живописи в частной студии А. Ашбе. В 1900 г. поступил в Мюнхенскую Академию художеств.

С 1900 г. Кандинский много путешествовал. Посетил Северную Африку, Италию, Францию. Расцвет творчества художника приходится на годы, когда он преподавал на летних курсах при мюнхенской художественной школе, выезжавшей в городок Кальмюнц. Здесь 35 летний Кандинский близко сошёлся с Габриэлой Мюнтер, 26-летней слушательницей школы. После начала Мировой войны они расстались в связи с отъездом Кандинского в Россию, но в 1915 году снова провели вместе три месяца в Стокгольме. К этому времени Габриэла стала уже настоящей художницей.

После революции 1917 г. Кандинский активно занимался общественной работой. В 1918 г. он участвовал в организации охраны памятников, создании Музея живописной культуры и Российской академии художественных наук, преподавал во ВХУТЕМАСе. В декабре 1921 г. Кандинский выехал для организации отделения РАХН в Берлин. Участвовал в Первой выставке русского искусства в германии. В Россию он уже не вернулся. В Берлине Василий Кандинский начал преподавать живопись и стал видным теоретиком школы «Баухауз». Вскоре Кандинский получил всемирное признание как один из лидеров абстрактного искусства. В 1928 г. художник принял немецкое гражданство, но когда в 1933 г. к власти пришли нацисты, эмигрировал во Францию. В годы нацизма работы Кандинского были отнесены к категории «извращённого искусства» и нигде не выставлялись. С 1933 по 1944 г. он жил в Париже, активно участвуя в интернациональном  художественном процессе.

В 1939 г. Василий Кандинский принял французское гражданство. Умер Кандинский 13 декабря 1944 г. в парижском пригороде Нёйи-сюр-Сен.

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=> https://themrl.com/faisalabad-smart-city/

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=> https://themrl.com/nova-city-islamabad/
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 Central Park Map | 20.02.2023, 12:08 #
Nice post ! The balloting of Central Park Map Lahore is directed in various phases. Central Park Lahore contact number is generally open for your questions, or you may likewise get in touch with us. Following is the balloting breakdown of the blocks and areas in the private society.

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 Dha Bahawalpur | 28.02.2023, 11:34 #
Confidential plots in DHA Bahawalpur are available in resale in sizes of 10 Marla, 1 Kanal and 2 Kanal. Town orchestrating similarly recollected improvement of luxury houses for sizes of 6, 9 and 12 Marlas. The compositional arrangement and nature of the domains will be adhered to DHA rules. These estates outfit shower assumptions for ordinary solaces as per current examples. Rooms are painstakingly planned and will give the occupants a luxurious experience.

user posted image
 Urban City Lahore | 01.03.2023, 08:30 #
Urban City is a project by Al-Rehman Developers and Al-Hafeez Developers. Moreover, Urban City Lahore the master plan of this society is designed by Surbana Jurong. Both top real estate developers are joining hands to deliver a masterpiece in Lahore. Both these firms are among the best developers in Pakistan and aim to provide the best quality to their customers and high-level construction. All these projects are designed smartly to cater to the needs of both buyers and investors. They have teams of the best architects, engineers, designers, and hardworking labor. We are sure they will deliver this project with elegance, quality, and great returns on investment.
 Gulberg Housing Scheme Dera Ghazi Khan | 08.03.2023, 08:45 #
Nice post ! The Gulberg Housing Scheme Dera Ghazi Khan is a prestigious and sought-after residential area in the city. The project offers a comfortable and modern lifestyle to its residents, with amenities such as parks, schools, hospitals, and shopping centers all available within the scheme. The infrastructure of the scheme is well-developed, providing residents with access to proper roads, clean water, and electricity. The project also features a 24/7 security system, making it a safe and secure place to live.

user posted image
 Lahore smart city | 08.03.2023, 10:17 #
[b]Lahore Smart City[/b] will turn into a benchmark for the contemporary private venture. It is second Smart City of Pakistan.
Smart city Lahore has effectively been dispatched and the development progress in at its quickest speed.

With effective continuous undertaking Capital Smart City Islamabad, Lahore Smart City will most likely presents you with that load of conveniences that make it a contemporary endeavor.

 Shahid Town Lahore Plots | 11.03.2023, 08:36 #
Your blogs are so good and informative thanks for sharing. Shahid Town is a residential area located in Lahore, Pakistan. It is situated near the Canal Bank Road and is surrounded by other prominent housing societies like Bahria Town, DHA, and Canal View. Shahid Town is a well-planned community that offers modern living amenities to its residents.

user posted image
 gulberg executive housing scheme multan | 17.03.2023, 06:54 #
Moreover, the housing scheme offers a flexible installment plan, allowing buyers to pay in installments over a period of time. The payment plan is designed to cater to the needs of a wide range of investors, and buyers can choose the installment plan that suits their budget and financial needs. In conclusion, the gulberg executive housing scheme multan is an ideal residential project for those who are looking for a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle in the heart of the city. The project offers a range of amenities and facilities that cater to the needs of modern-day living, and its flexible installment plan makes it an attractive investment opportunity for buyers. With its prime location and world-class infrastructure, the Gulberg Executive Housing Scheme is a highly desirable place to live in Multan.

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 Bahria Orchard phase 2 | 28.03.2023, 07:13 #
Solar Power: The society has installed solar panels in its commercial areas and public spaces, which helps reduce its carbon footprint and dependence on traditional energy sources. Water Conservation: Bahria Orchard phase 2 has a comprehensive water conservation plan that includes rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation systems, and the use of water-saving fixtures in its buildings. Waste Management: The society has implemented an effective waste management system that includes recycling and composting, which helps reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills.

No nick | 29.03.2023, 07:31 #
Good post ! For those who want to indulge in some quiet contemplation or meditation, Aqib Garden Lahore has several quiet corners and benches scattered throughout the park. Visitors can sit and enjoy the tranquility of the park, away from the noise and chaos of the city.

user posted image
 Gulberg executive multan | 31.03.2023, 09:31 #
Plot for sale Gulberg Executive Multan offers affordable living options in a prime location, making it an ideal choice for people who want to invest in real estate without breaking the bank. The society's competitive pricing and flexible payment plans make it easier for individuals and families to own a home in a prime location.

user posted image
 gulberg executive multan location | 26.04.2023, 11:22 #
Nice and good post ! The villas at gulberg executive multan location are also designed to provide luxury living with spacious rooms and modern facilities. The villas are available in different sizes, ranging from 5 marla to 2 kanal, and are designed to cater to the needs of large families. Apart from residential properties, Gulberg Executive Multan also offers commercial properties, including shops and offices. The commercial properties are designed to cater to the needs of modern businesses, with all the latest facilities and infrastructure. The project offers a variety of commercial properties, making it easy for businesses to choose the space that best suits their needs. user posted image
 Bahria Town Lahore | 16.05.2023, 12:12 #
The location of Bahria Town Lahore is highly advantageous. It is strategically situated with easy access to major highways and transportation networks, making it convenient for residents to commute to different parts of Lahore and neighboring cities. The project places a strong emphasis on community development and organizes various events and activities for residents. Festivals, sports tournaments, and social gatherings foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for neighbors to interact and build relationships. user posted image
 Lahore Smart City New Balloting | 18.05.2023, 12:01 #
The new balloting results also present exciting opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. The allocation of commercial plots in <a href="https://www.ourupn.com/lahore-smart-city-new-balloting-date/">Lahore Smart City New Balloting</a> opens doors for establishing a presence in a thriving and futuristic city. This prospect of growth and expansion further strengthens Lahore Smart City's appeal as an attractive destination for businesses and investors. user posted image
 Lahore Smart City New Balloting | 18.05.2023, 12:04 #
The new balloting results also present exciting opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. The allocation of commercial plots in <a href="https://www.ourupn.com/lahore-smart-city-new-balloting-date/">Lahore Smart City New Balloting</a> opens doors for establishing a presence in a thriving and futuristic city. This prospect of growth and expansion further strengthens Lahore Smart City's appeal as an attractive destination for businesses and investors. The new balloting process demonstrates Lahore Smart City's adaptability to changing market dynamics. By offering a diverse range of plots, the project caters to the evolving needs and preferences of applicants. This flexibility ensures that Lahore Smart City remains a progressive and desirable destination for individuals seeking a modern and holistic living experience.
 Lahore Smart City New Balloting | 18.05.2023, 12:05 #
The new balloting results also present exciting opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. The allocation of commercial plots in Lahore Smart City opens doors for establishing a presence in a thriving and futuristic city. This prospect of growth and expansion further strengthens Lahore Smart City New Balloting appeal as an attractive destination for businesses and investors. The new balloting process demonstrates Lahore Smart City's adaptability to changing market dynamics. By offering a diverse range of plots, the project caters to the evolving needs and preferences of applicants. This flexibility ensures that Lahore Smart City remains a progressive and desirable destination for individuals seeking a modern and holistic living experience. user posted image
 Maryam Town Lahore Location | 19.05.2023, 13:41 #
Maryam Town Lahore Location is a well-placed residential area situated in Lahore, Pakistan. It is conveniently located in close proximity to major transportation routes, making it easily accessible from different parts of the city. The town is named after Maryam, a historical figure known for her wisdom and compassion.

One of the advantages of Maryam Town Lahore's location is its connectivity. It is situated near major highways, including the Lahore Ring Road, which provides easy access to other areas of Lahore and beyond. This makes it a desirable location for residents who need to commute for work or travel purposes.

The town is surrounded by a bustling commercial landscape. There are numerous shopping centers, malls, and markets located nearby, offering a wide range of retail options. Residents of Maryam Town Lahore can enjoy a vibrant shopping experience without having to travel far.

Maryam Town Lahore is also home to renowned educational institutions. Parents and students have access to reputable schools, colleges, and universities in the vicinity, ensuring quality education for their children. This eliminates the need for long commutes and allows students to focus on their studies.

Residents of Maryam Town Lahore can enjoy various recreational and entertainment facilities. The town boasts well-maintained parks, playgrounds, and sports complexes where residents can engage in outdoor activities. Additionally, there are cinemas, restaurants, and cafes nearby, providing ample entertainment options.  user posted image
 shutdown168 | 21.05.2023, 09:35 #

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 shutdown168 | 28.05.2023, 10:13 #
A group of primary school รูเล็ต 
children has suffered traumatic, "life-changing" injuries สาวถ้ำ 
after a horrific bus crash in Melbourne, Sexy Gaming 
The bus was carrying คาสิโนสด  45 students when police say it   slot168  was hit by a truck from behind and rolled on Tuesday คาสิโนออนไลน์ afternoon.
Some 18 children - aged 5 to 11 - were rushed to บาคาร่า168 vip hospital, many for emergency surgery. One remains in intensive เกมยิงปลา care.
The truck driver has been charged สมัครสล็อต เครดิตฟรี  with dangerous driving causing serious injury.
Australia แทงบอลauto has a below-average road safety record compared to other advanced economies. It สล็อตแตกง่าย 168 ranks 20th of out of 36 OECD countries for road fatalities.

 Regency Marketing | 20.06.2023, 12:19 #
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 shutdown | 03.10.2023, 14:42 #
North Korea says วิธีแทงบอลออนไลน์  it will deport US soldier Travis King, who ran across 123บาคาร่า the border from South Korea during a tour in July.
Pyongyang สล็อตคืออะไร will deport him having finished its investigation หวยยี่กี into King's "illegal" entry, state news Shutdown123  agency KNCA said.

 BTmakehome | 07.11.2023, 11:33 #
Israel has urged Russia บริษัทรับสร้างบ้าน       to protect "all its citizens and all Jews" สร้าง บ้าน เชียงใหม่        after a large mob shouting antisemitic slogans stormed a  สร้างบ้านเชียงใหม่ บริษัทไหนดี   Dagestan airport.
 shutdown | 24.11.2023, 07:47 #
A whistleblower who sexygaming helped expose allegations of Australian war เว็บบาคาร่า อันดับ1 crimes in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty to เว็บ123สล็อต leaking classified information.
David McBride was due to face trial next week, but changed เว็บ123 his plea after a legal ruling scuppered his defence.

 Shahzad | 05.03.2024, 11:24 #
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 Shahzad | 05.03.2024, 11:27 #
Great designs by this Russian painter.
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 Marfa Overseas | 27.03.2024, 12:14 #
Undoubtedly, Vasily Vasilyevich Kandinsky is a renowned painter of the decade.
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